Monday, October 28, 2013

LIAM harap kerajaan lanjutkan Skim i-BR1M kepada semua syarikat insurans

KUALA LUMPUR - Persatuan Insurans Hayat Malaysia (LIAM) berharap kerajaan akan melanjutkan cadangan sumbangan RM50 bagi skim Group Takaful Rakyat 1Malaysia (i-BR1M) kepada semua syarikat insurans kerana ia menyediakan banyak alternatif untuk dipilih oleh rakyat.

Presiden LIAM, Vincent Kwo dalam satu kenyataan menyambut baik langkah kerajaan dalam Bajet 2014 baru-baru ini untuk menyediakan perlindungan insurans kepada penerima Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M), dengan menyatakan ia akan meringankan bebanan kewangan rakyat disebabkan oleh peristiwa yang tidak diduga.

Vincent berkata, oleh sebab terdapat 14 syarikat insurans hayat dengan beratus-ratus cawangan di seluruh negara, dasar positif dan terangkum itu akan memberi manfaat besar.

“Syarikat insurans hayat memiliki saluran pengedaran yang kukuh dan akan mengambil peluang ini untuk menyediakan khidmat kepada segenap lapisan masyarakat,” katanya.

Tambah Vincent lagi, skim perlindungan i-BRIM yang berfungsi sebagai jaringan keselamatan kewangan akan membolehkan penerima isi rumah BR1M menikmati perlindungan takaful sehingga RM30,000.

Artikel Penuh: 
Hakcipta terpelihara 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mohon menderma untuk adik Fatin Az-Zahra

Nie just tolong sedara sesama Islam. Sian pulak tengok adik nie. Sesaper nak derma boleh lah lihat details dibawah:-

rezeki kita nak bersedekah hari ini.
10 ringgit seorang.
5 ringgit pun tak apa.

fatin az-zahra,
juga masalah jantung.
memerlukan RM25k.

darab 2500 orang,

ingat juna, kan?
besar inilah dia dahulu.
: (

sekarang ini di wad NICU, hospital sultan abdul halim, sungai petani.

dijemput hubungi bapanya en farouk 019 5694799 kalau2 mau kepastian.
boleh sumbangkan terus ke ibunya: 
RHB 1520 6400 0084 51
Fari'dhah Ismail 

atau alternatifnya:
MAYBANK 1520 68824 371
Nur Atikah Abd Hamid.

ps:// Saya terdetik nak comment mengenai penyakit jantung adik nie. Ader produk konvensional yg menawarkan insurans jika ader sakit jantung sejak dalam perut ibu lagi (Pru My child) click sini Tapi saya dalam dilema kerna produk nie konvensional. Takaful ader infant care (click sini tak cover konginental illness. So.. jikaia boleh meringankan si ibu n si ayah.. eloklah ambik pru my child. Medikal kad hanya boleh pakai selepas 120 hari bayi dilahirkan.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Go And Meet That Insurance Agent!

Insurance is a product that you should buy when you don't need it, because if when the time comes that you need it, you can't but it. It applies to all types of, PA, fire, motor...same concept.

I have met so many people who resented when I brought up the topic of insurance. Probably the funniest incident was when an ex-classmate of mine told me that he has insurance the form of MRTA!

Most common excuses that people come up with whenever I bring up the subject:

1) I already have coverage under my company
Consider this: you will never know when the company will show you the door out. And neither will you know when you'll be on your own and start a new business, or even join a new company. Whatever the situation may be, the fantastic coverage that the company accords to you stops the moment you are no longer under their employment. And when that happens, sooner or later, your health condition at that point of time is a point to be considered by insurance companies whether you are a risk worth insuring.

There is a classic example that was told to me by a friend many years ago. His ex-boss (in an MNC) was once upon a time a very proud man. He looked at agents as blood sucking leeches and will take every opportunity to say "Insurance tipu orang!" And he was ultra confident that the company that he was attached to would provide all the medical coverage that he needs. Then one fine day, tragedy struck and Mr Boss was paralysed in a freak accident. As stated in the terms and conditions of his employment, the company took care of Mr Boss' medical bills. And as also stated in the terms and conditions of his employment, Mr Boss was medically boarded out of service due to his condition.

The once proud Mr Boss is now living on the golden handshake given by his employers. No medical or whatsover insurance coverage whatsoever due to his condition. He is paralysed, and there are possibilities of him having health problems such as heart problems, kidney failure, cancer etc. At one time cold calls from insurance agents were his number 1 enemy, but none would call him. Why would insurance agents avoid him? Well, why must they waste their time soliciting business from him? At his condition, chances for insurance companies to insure him are very slim as he is a sub standard case. Or a large percentage of premium loading or condition exclusions are likely to be imposed if he is lucky. And at his inability to generate income, how would he be able to sustain paying for the premium? Any agents would not want their production persistency to be effected. And which agents would want to spend so much time sending him for medical test etc when there are so many straight forward simple cases by healthy prospects out there?

I am just trying to be real here. The role of an insurance agent is to solicit good business, and service the clients through thick and thin. But soliciting prospects in the extreme sub standard case category are too much of a hassle, and to put it bluntly, a waste of time.

2) I got no money lah!
Probably one of the biggest bullshit of all time. Agents are not dumb, they would qualify their prospects before doing an approach. Yeah, some are really financially tight. But the most baffling situation is some have the money for the latest handphone, ASTRO monthly subscription, RM100k plus car and all the good things in life, except money for insurance. And we are not talking about RM500 a month premium, RM150 is also too much. I can't dictate how a person should spend their hard earned money, but I'm just sad that their priority is towards lesser important things. What more can I say?

3) I already have insurance
Fine if you have a policy. Congratulations! But are you aware of your coverage? Or even what plan did you buy?

Some just give this excuse, as if it is an ultimate excuse to end the topic. Fine, well and good if you can answer 2 of those questions posed. But if it is just an excuse to kill the topic, then Mr Smarty Pants might live to regret it later, well if he is lucky to be alive. Ever heard of anyone saying "insurance tipu orang"...or "Insurance are bullshit! When it comes to claim, this one cannot claim, that one cannot claim!" Well, if you have a personal accident plan, you should not expect the insurance company to take care of your hospitalisation bills if you are admitted to the hospital for a heart bypass. And you also should not expect your hospital income plan to take care for your RM7,000 bill for your admission due to food poisoning. 

And definately don't expect your RM45 a month premium policy will provide you adequate coverage for a hospital bill of RM30,000! And please be reasonable with your expectations, I've come acrossed a genuine prospect who wanted to pay RM120 per month and expect the plan to have a sach value of RM100k in 10 years time!

There are even some who still cling on to their existing plan, although the plan and coverage is crap and inadequate. I don't encourage anyone to surrender their existing policy, in most circumstances it would not be beneficial to do so. But if you got to do it, then do it. NEVER have emotional attachment to your existing insurance plan the same way as you treasure that antique clock hanging at your home.

The list of excuses goes on and on. An agent with 40 years of experience might come across some fantastic new unthinkable excuses everyday. So think twice before you come up with some bullshit to shoo the insurance agent away. It's good to listen, you have the right to say no if you don't see the benefits anyway. The way I see it, whether you have an insurance policy or are still covered. The only difference is if you have a policy, then you are transferring the risk to a third party. If not, then you are insuring yourself, and good luck!

sedikit perkongsian : Retentan dari RM400K dapat dalam masa 4 bulan


Kawan kawan, 

Saya doakan kawan kawan berada dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera dalam peliharaan Allah Azza Wajalla.

Tujuan saya memberi emel adalah hendak berkongsi pengalaman kelmarin semasa saya bersama rakan rakan Takaful memberi cek takaful kepada seorang waris.

Selama saya menjadi ejen Takaful ni, saya tidak dapat menggambarkan sejauh mana benarnya Takaful ini boleh membantu masyarakat. Bermula dengan kes kecil kecil kemasukan hospital, sehinggalah detik kelmarin, saya sangat faham dan percaya yang sememangnyalah Takaful yang ada pada tuan puan sekalian sangat bermakna dan InsyaAllah akan membantu di masa akan datang.

Sedikit cerita mengenai arwah,
Namanya Hazwan, pekerja Petronas di PMO Kerteh, arwah merupakan junior saya di UTP (tak sempat jumpa sebab saya dah graduate dia baru masuk). Beliau memiliki isteri yang sedang sarat mengandung. Pada bulan April yang lalu, sahabat saya yang juga ajen Takaful, Johari Julis telah bertemu arwah untuk membincangkan hal Takaful.

Alhamdulillah arwah bersetuju untuk contribute RM300/month (Meninggikan life RM200k + Eksidental Death RM200k).

Taqdir sudah tentukan segalanya, hanya 4 bulan selepas menyertai Takaful, saudara Hazwan dijemput bertemu Yang Esa dalam kemalangan ngeri ketika beliau memandu seorang diri dalam perjalanan ke tempat kerja.

Betapa tabah isterinya, sedang mengandung 6 bulan, juga bertugas sebagai Doktor di Hospital Terengganu, menerima berita tersedih sebegitu. Lebih memilukan, sang isteri turut menyertai pasukan bedah siasat terhadap mayat suaminya sendiri.
Coverage medikel syarikat juga terpaksa ditamatkan selang beberapa hari selepas kejadian, apa boleh buat kerana itu lah polisi syarikat yang beroperasi di negara mana pun.

Bulan depan, (november), puan Natasya akan melahirkan anak yang tidak sempat menatap wajah ayahnya, bayangkan sukarnya kehidupan si anak juga si ibu yang perlu menelusuri kehidupan seterusnya tanpa orang tersayang.

Semasa menyerahkan cek pampasan, kami tanya juga apa yang hendak dibuat dengan wang sebanyak itu? (RM400,000). Puan Natasya berniat nak serahkan semua wang berkenaan kepada ibu dan ayah arwah, kerana menurutnya, ibu dan ayah arwah lebih layak menerima wang pampasan tersebut untuk digunakan ke jalan yang sepatutnya. Syukur puan natasya memiliki kerjaya yang baik, keluarganya juga sederhana dan pada perkiraan saya, tanpa wang pampasan sekalipun, mereka masih mampu membesarkan anak/cucu yang bakal lahir.

Apa yang saya kira harus diberi perhatian adalah bentuk persediaan yang kita buat, dalam mempersiapkan ahli keluarga kita jika berlaku sesuatu ke atas diri kita, terutamanya suami kepada isteri, ayah dan ibu kepada anak anak, juga tidak ketinggalan..anak anak muda kepada ibu dan ayah yang sudah tua.

Saya kira, arwah Hazwan sudah menjalankan amanah dengan baik, justeru mempersiapkan sesuatu sebagai bekalan kepada isteri dan bakal anak yang akan lahir.

Saya juga ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan tahniah dan terima kasih kepada tuan puan, kerana telah membuat persediaan untuk diri sendiri dan keluarga. Alhamdulillah.

Kejadian di atas juga, sedikit sebanyak memberi peringatan kepada saya bahawa memberi khidmat nasihat untuk meninggikan 'Life' (Pampasan kematian) untuk klien klien seterusnya sangatlah penting, dan tidak terlalu memfokus kepada perihal medikel kad (wpun hakikaktnya, kedua duanya sama penting).

Ini memberi saya kesedaran untuk melihat semula status polisi kesemua klien klien dibawah penyeliaan saya,
Tuan puan yang memiliki polisi Takaful, saya dapati pampasan life tuan puan sekalian secara puratanya adalah di bawah RM100,000, dan ramai juga yang di bawah RM50,000. Mungkin ini sedikit kesilapan saya ketika memberi khidmat nasihat dahulu, atau mungkin juga persetujuan kita yang lebih menjurus kepada perlindungan medikel kad. 

Saya ingin menyarakan, jika tidak keberatan, tuan puan boleh consider untuk tinggikan bahagian Life ini juga supaya pampasan menjadi tinggi jika sesuatu berlaku kelak.
Bahagian Life ini tidak semahal mana.
Setiap RM50 --> akan memberi nilai pampasan sebanyak RM100,000
Setiap RM100 --> RM200,000
Begitulah seterusnya.

Kalau tuan puan rasa ianya berbaloi, hubungi lah saya, InsyaAllah saya akan memberi penerangan yang lebih terperinci tentang apa apa hal yang melibatkan polisi tuan puan.

Semoga kita semua diRahmati Allah.


Terima Kasih
Mardiyah Kamarudin
019 2853910

Monday, October 7, 2013

The 10 top hospitals in Malaysia

When it comes to hospital bills, it could vary between different institutions. This is because every hospital in Malaysia is known for a certain specialization and expertise. It must be noted that medical bills are define fully by the extent of a treatment and is usually under the discretion of the hospital’s management.

In Malaysia, private hospitals are managed and operated by larger groups while there are some which are independently managed. Below are 10 of the most expensive hospitals in Malaysia

1. Prince Court Medical Centre

This medical centre is managed and operated by Petronas, the national oil and gas company. The multi-specialty hospital provides a complete range of medical services which is known to be the preferred hospital among the rich as well as royal family members.

2. Pantai Hospital Group

Pantai Hospital is among the most established medical centres in Malaysia. It has branches around the country which include Batu Pahat, Sungai Petani, Klang, Ayer Keroh as well as a few in the Klang Valley. Pantai Hospital in Bangsar is among the top hospital in Malaysia which is very popular among those from the high income groups

3. KPJ Specialist Hospital

The KPJ Specialist Hospital is managed under the KPJ Healthcare Berhad group. It currently has 21 hospitals in Malaysia and another 2 in Indonesia and is very well established with a medical school.

4. Gleneagles Medical Centre

The Gleneagles Medical Centre was formerly known as the most expensive hospital in the country but has dropped down the list with new and more sophisticated centres like Prince Court and Sunway

5. Sunway Medical Centre

The Sunway Medical Centre is managed and owned by the Sunway Group which has many other areas of business like property development, retail and education. It is a multi-specialist hospital with some of the most modern medical equipment which is why its billings can be quite high.

6. Columbia Asia Medical Center

The Columbia Asia Medical Center is one of the recently established and expanded hospitals in the country although it has been around since 1998. Its first centre was in Shah Alam while today it has many branches around the country in which it is partially owned by EPF (Employee Providence Fund).

7. Assunta Hospital

Assunta Hospital is renowned for its medical expertise in cancer. Located in Petaling Jaya, Assunta Hospital provided many other medical services since 1954, making it one of the oldest hospitals in Malaysia.

8. Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital

The Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital is one of the most specialized hospitals in Malaysia focusing on dedicated eye care treatment.

9. TMC Fertility Centre

The TMC (Tropicana Medical Centre) is a highly specialized medical centre which focuses on fertility. So far, it has conducted more than 3,000 IVF cases, making it the preferred choice in this area for couples who are having problems conceiving and other related medical problems.

10. Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital

The Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital is a medical centre in Penang which is very focused and specialized in cancer treatments. As the name implies, Mount Miriam Hospital is commonly referred to as the cancer experts and has been providing treatment for patients from all over the country for many decades now.

Saya tak pasti cam ner mereka menilai sesuatu hospital tue. Nie pun saya dapat dari

UPDATE:citer dapat RM400K dalam masa 4 bulan (WIFEY DAH DPT CLAIM-ADER GAMBAR) part 2

Masih ingat kes Client dapat RM400K dalam maser 4 bulan? Kalu tak ingat click sini bawah nie saya nak share sikit luahan hati agent dari facebook dier Johari Julis . Moga anda diluar saner sedar akan kehebatan Takaful nie...kalau tak sedar lagi tak tahulahhhh

Pn Natasha , Johari dan CEO PruBSN Takaful

Terima Kasih Takaful
Harini hari yg bersejarah utk diri saya sebagai ejen insurans dan takaful..Alhamdulillah selesai majlis ringkas penyampaian cheque kpd isteri kepada arwah client saya yg meninggal dunia kemalangan pd bulan 8 yg lalu.. wang ringgit tak mampu nk menggantikan orang yg tersayang tp dgn wang ringgit juga kita dpt pastikan masa depan keluarga tak terjejas. Semoga isteri arwah dpt meneruskan kehidupan dgn penuh ketabahan..Inshaallah

Dan tahukah anda sebagai pemilik sijil takaful..anda juga sama sama menyumbang kepada keluarga ini berdasarkan konsep menderma pada tabung tabarru'?
Jadi dgn ini saya ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua pemilik sijil takaful dari prudential bsn takaful kerana sesungguhnya anda telah membantu keluarga ini.. jasa anda hanya Allah yg boleh balas..

Juga terima kasih kpd ahli keluarga arwah, CEO & pengurusan PruBSN takaful, ahli keluarga saya serta rakan2 SIXMA kerana menjayakan majlis tadi.

Semoga posting ini dapat memanfaatkan semua pihak dan majulah takaful untuk semua.. sila share jika post ini memberi impak kepada anda..terima kasih

Facebook: Johari Julis

Friday, October 4, 2013

Mohon penjelasan mengenai bill hospital (pay n claim) tak dapat seperti dijangka

Saya dapat e mail dari pengguna pru bsn takaful. Harap ia memberi manfaat buat semua

salam..puan..saya ida, saya mengambil pru bsn takaful utk anak saya..bulan 7 yg lalu dia dimasukkan ke hospital swasta kerana muntah akibat keracunan makanan,dia warded selama satu hari satu mlm..

bil hospital adalah rm 868..saya telah bayar guna duit saya kerana hosp tersebut bkn panel..saya sudah dapat elaun ward sebanyak rm 200.malangnya utk bil hospital saya hanya dapat rm 547.bila saya tanya agen..dia kata coz saya punya bil tak sampai seribu.sedangkan yg saya faham saya sepatutnya bayar 10% dari 868 sahaja.
Jawapan saya: 

Ok saya akan terangkan...

Seperti yang kita tahu ko takaful 10% customer kena bayar n 90% pihak takaful bayar kan. Akan tetapi kita ader syarat2 untuk 10% tue yaitu min 300 hingga max 1000 sahaja. 

Untuk kes pn nie:

Jumlah kos rawatan   : RM 868
Tolak ko takaful        : 10% dari RM 868 dikira RM86. Tapi memandangkan syarat2 ko takaful min 300 maka ditolak dengan RM300
admin fess+gov tax   : RM21 (pihak takaful tolak hospital admin fees                                     + government tax)

So kiraanya:-
(kos spital - ko takaful-(admin fess+gov tax))
RM 868    -  rm300        -rm21                         = rm547 

Sesaper nak bertanya dipersilakan.....

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sakit Puan : Placenta Praevia

Last 3 weeks saya ader jumpa clients di Putrajaya. So, maser dier buat health declaration dier ader mention mase first semester of pregnancy, dier ader Placenta Praevia. N maser tue saya ader proposed medical card yang baru Health Enrich yg cover maternity complications. Saya memang akui saya tercengang. Apalah tue? Client saya cakap nie kalu tak detect awal boleh bawa kematian. Dalam bahasa melayu uri tue turun..... Maka ia memberi idea untuk aku tuleh dalam blog.

Placenta Praevia?

During pregnancy, the placenta moves as the womb stretches and grows. It is very common for the placenta to be low in the womb in early pregnancy. But as the pregnancy continues, the placenta moves to the top of the womb. By the third trimester, the placenta should be near the top of the womb, so the cervix is open for delivery.

Sometimes, the placenta partly or completely covers the cervix. This is called a previa.

There are different forms of placenta previa:

Marginal: The placenta is next to cervix but does not cover the opening.

Partial: The placenta covers part of the cervical opening.

Complete: The placenta covers all of the cervical opening.

Placenta praevia occurs in 1 out of 200 pregnancies. It is more common in women who have:
  • Abnormally shaped uterus 
  • Many previous pregnancies
  • Multiple pregnancy (twins, triplets, etc.)
  • Scarring on the lining of the uterus, due to history of surgery, c-section, previous pregnancy, or abortion
  • Women who smoke or have their children at an older age may also have an increased risk.

The main symptom of placenta previa is sudden bleeding from the vagina. Some women have cramps, too. The bleeding often starts near the end of the second trimester or beginning of the third trimester.
Bleeding may be severe. It may stop on its own but can start again days or weeks later.
Labor sometimes starts within several days of heavy bleeding. Sometimes, bleeding may not occur until after labor starts.

Exam n Tests
Your health care provider can diagnose this condition with a pregnancy ultrasound.


Your health care provider will carefully consider the risk of bleeding against early delivery of your baby. After 36 weeks, delivery of the baby may be the best treatment.
Nearly all women with placenta previa need a c-section. If the placenta covers all or part of the cervix, a vaginal delivery can cause severe bleeding. This can be deadly to both the mother and the baby.
  If the placenta is near or covering a part of the cervix, your doctor may recommend:
  • Reducing your activities
  • Bed rest
  • Pelvic rest, which means no sex, no tampons, and no douching
Nothing should be placed in the vagina.
You may need to stay in the hospital so your health care team can closely monitor you and your baby.
Other treatments you may receive:
  • Blood transfusions
  • Medicines to prevent early labor
  • Medicines to help pregnancy continue to at least 36 weeks
  • Shot of special medicine called Rhogam if your blood type is Rh-negative
  • Steroid shots to help the baby's lungs mature
An emergency c-section may be done if the bleeding is heavy and cannot be controlled.

Adakah sakit puan nie dilindungi oleh Takaful?

TIDAK. Sudah termaktub dalam non disclosure yang mana Takaful TAK COVER Kehamilan, kehamilan sekarang dan sebelumnya (dan komplikasi berkaitan), melahirkan anak (termasuk kelahiran secara pembedahan dan apa juga pembedahan atau prosedur bukan pembedahan ke atas sistem peranakan wanita ketika pembedahan untuk kelahiran), keguguran, menggugurkan kandungan dan jagaan serta pembedahan pranatal atau postnatum, kaedah kawalan kelahiran kontraseptif mekanikal atau kimia, rawatan berkaitan ketaksuburan termasuk disfungsi erektil dan ujian atau rawatan berkaitan impoten atau pensterilan.

Kes Tengkok Aaron Aziz senget : Dalam kaca mata Takaful lady

Heboh satu Malaysia biler hero nie masuk spital pasal leher senget atau dalam bahasa sicentifiknya "Cervical Facet Arthritis". Ya.. hero nie masuk prince court.. pasal dier pelakon yg popular dan dapat endorsement saner sini maka bolehlah dier mendapat rawatan yg terbaek. tapi.. kita..?? Nak kater dari golongan pertengahan tak layak langsung. Pasal mengikut penerangan menteri di malaysia nie golongan pertengahan aderlah merujuk pada orang melayu yg boleh naik Mercedez-Benz (fuyyyooo!!!), ada rumah banglo, mempunyai harta yang ader RM2-RM3 juta (wallaweehhh!!) . So.. pandai pandailah korang nak kategorikan diri-sendiri dalam kategori apa.

So, moral of story dah tahu kiter nie mungkin bukan dalam golongan pertengahan mahupun elit (jauh sekali), maka cepat-cepatlah apply medikal kad n life protection.

Aku tak nak citer pasal gossip mossip nie.. just nak bagi penerangan sikit pasal sakit radang sendi nie atau artritis. Dari kaca mata seorang yg hanya penjual takaful nie.. aderkah client akan dilindungi oleh Takaful? 

Ya, jika client tue sudah mencarum pada Takaful melebihi 4 bulan. Kenapa 4 bulan? Kerna 4 bulan adalah tempoh bertenang untuk medikal kad. Konsep nie digunakan oleh mana2 takaful operator.

Akan tetapi, jika penyakit sendi nie memang dah ader dalam diri sindiri yg mana kita sendiri pun tak tahu , tapi baru jer detect by Dr. So, adakah Takaful cover? TIDAK. Dalam Non disclosure pun ader mention yang mana existing illness TAK COVER. TAPI, ini tidak adil bagi pihak client sendiri kerna memang mereka TIDAK TAHU akan pre existing illness nie. Ok.. menurut claim department, jika perkara ini berlaku maka panjanglah citernya. Investigation dari pihak Takaful akan dijalankan. Apa yg pihak takaful mintak adalah:-

1. Medical Report dari Dr yg merawat
2. Regular Dr yg client selalu jumpa
3. Mendapatkan kenyataan dari client (kaji selidik)
4. Mendapatkan kenyataan dari majikan (kaji selidik), berapa kali client nie MC due to this illness (penyakit yg sama).

Berapa lamer lah investigation nie? It's depend case by case basis. Ader yg cepat dan ader yg lambat. So memang ambik masa bebulan. Maka, client kena pay n claim dulu.

Apa tue Cervical Facet Arthritis?

Diagnosis:  Patients with cervical facet arthritis will complain of pain in the neck that can also be felt in the back of the head, shoulder or arm.  The pain is usually worse with neck movement. In the lumbar spine, facet arthritis causes low back, hip and thigh pain.   The pain is usually aggravated by extension or bending backwards.  When the doctor examines the patient, he or she will find tender muscles overlying the lumbar or cervical facets. The diagnosis can be confirmed with plain X-rays and CT scan studies.

Treatment:   In the event of a sudden flare up, bed rest, ice over the painful area and anti- inflammatory agents such as aspirin or Motrin will usually bring relief.   Sometimes a sudden flare-up can also cause muscle spasms. In this case, the doctor can prescribe muscle relaxants in addition to the anti-inflammatory agents.  Once the situation is stabilized, a cautious increase in activity can begin.  Over a period of a few weeks, most flare-ups will resolve without invasive treatment. If a significant amount of pain remains, the patient can be treated with physical therapy using ultrasound, back exercises, traction and soft tissue mobilization or massage. If physical therapy does not completely resolve the discomfort, the patient can be referred to a specialist for local injections into the inflamed joints.  Under X-ray, these joints can be injected with a powerful anti-inflammatory drug, usually bringing relief within 48 hours. The X-ray procedures are customarily performed under light intravenous sedation with drugs like Valium so that the patient is comfortable during the procedure.

Prevention: Preventing flare-ups is essential.
The most critical factor in cervical facet arthritis is sleep position.  It is best to use a firm non-feather pillow that keeps the neck in good alignment with the rest of the spine while sleeping.  If you routinely sleep on your back, use a fairly narrow pillow that does not bring your head too far forward, but once again, keeps it in good alignment.
In preventing back injuries, be careful bending, lifting and twisting.  Ideally, patients with low back problems should attend “back school” offered by a physical therapy department in order to learn how to take proper care of the back.
Proper strength training.
Proper flexibility training. 

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Fake: Cara-cara claim insuran nyawa yang fail

Ni berlaku di Russia. Most cars di Russia ader Dashboard Cams. Memang dier org purposely buat fraud accident pasal nak claims ngan insurans. huhuhuhuhuhuh.. Sib baik kat Malaysia tak der cam gini. So, enjoyyy watching funny compilation of car insurance scam fail.

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