Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sakit Puan : Placenta Praevia

Last 3 weeks saya ader jumpa clients di Putrajaya. So, maser dier buat health declaration dier ader mention mase first semester of pregnancy, dier ader Placenta Praevia. N maser tue saya ader proposed medical card yang baru Health Enrich yg cover maternity complications. Saya memang akui saya tercengang. Apalah tue? Client saya cakap nie kalu tak detect awal boleh bawa kematian. Dalam bahasa melayu uri tue turun..... Maka ia memberi idea untuk aku tuleh dalam blog.

Placenta Praevia?

During pregnancy, the placenta moves as the womb stretches and grows. It is very common for the placenta to be low in the womb in early pregnancy. But as the pregnancy continues, the placenta moves to the top of the womb. By the third trimester, the placenta should be near the top of the womb, so the cervix is open for delivery.

Sometimes, the placenta partly or completely covers the cervix. This is called a previa.

There are different forms of placenta previa:

Marginal: The placenta is next to cervix but does not cover the opening.

Partial: The placenta covers part of the cervical opening.

Complete: The placenta covers all of the cervical opening.

Placenta praevia occurs in 1 out of 200 pregnancies. It is more common in women who have:
  • Abnormally shaped uterus 
  • Many previous pregnancies
  • Multiple pregnancy (twins, triplets, etc.)
  • Scarring on the lining of the uterus, due to history of surgery, c-section, previous pregnancy, or abortion
  • Women who smoke or have their children at an older age may also have an increased risk.

The main symptom of placenta previa is sudden bleeding from the vagina. Some women have cramps, too. The bleeding often starts near the end of the second trimester or beginning of the third trimester.
Bleeding may be severe. It may stop on its own but can start again days or weeks later.
Labor sometimes starts within several days of heavy bleeding. Sometimes, bleeding may not occur until after labor starts.

Exam n Tests
Your health care provider can diagnose this condition with a pregnancy ultrasound.


Your health care provider will carefully consider the risk of bleeding against early delivery of your baby. After 36 weeks, delivery of the baby may be the best treatment.
Nearly all women with placenta previa need a c-section. If the placenta covers all or part of the cervix, a vaginal delivery can cause severe bleeding. This can be deadly to both the mother and the baby.
  If the placenta is near or covering a part of the cervix, your doctor may recommend:
  • Reducing your activities
  • Bed rest
  • Pelvic rest, which means no sex, no tampons, and no douching
Nothing should be placed in the vagina.
You may need to stay in the hospital so your health care team can closely monitor you and your baby.
Other treatments you may receive:
  • Blood transfusions
  • Medicines to prevent early labor
  • Medicines to help pregnancy continue to at least 36 weeks
  • Shot of special medicine called Rhogam if your blood type is Rh-negative
  • Steroid shots to help the baby's lungs mature
An emergency c-section may be done if the bleeding is heavy and cannot be controlled.

Adakah sakit puan nie dilindungi oleh Takaful?

TIDAK. Sudah termaktub dalam non disclosure yang mana Takaful TAK COVER Kehamilan, kehamilan sekarang dan sebelumnya (dan komplikasi berkaitan), melahirkan anak (termasuk kelahiran secara pembedahan dan apa juga pembedahan atau prosedur bukan pembedahan ke atas sistem peranakan wanita ketika pembedahan untuk kelahiran), keguguran, menggugurkan kandungan dan jagaan serta pembedahan pranatal atau postnatum, kaedah kawalan kelahiran kontraseptif mekanikal atau kimia, rawatan berkaitan ketaksuburan termasuk disfungsi erektil dan ujian atau rawatan berkaitan impoten atau pensterilan.

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